

Fortnite is a massively multiplayer online game that consists of a battle royale game mode as well as a cooperative game mode known as Save the World. The player is spawned on an island and must scavenge for weapons and gear in order to survive the game's many hazards. The game's battle royale mode shares many similarities with the Hunger G...


  • Stephanie Kelly

Fortnite is a massively multiplayer online game that consists of a battle royale game mode as well as a cooperative game mode known as Save the World. The player is spawned on an island and must scavenge for weapons and gear in order to survive the game's many hazards. The game's battle royale mode shares many similarities with the Hunger Games series.


In Fortnite, a player can play either the Battle Royale game mode, or the cooperative game mode known as Save the World. The Battle Royale game mode features 100 players fighting to be the last person standing on a constantly shrinking map. The player must scavenge for weapons and gear in order to survive the game's many hazards. The player can also attack and kill other players to gain health and weapons. 

There are three different types of buildings that the player can enter in the Battle Royale game mode. There are small, medium, and large buildings. Inside of a small building, the player will find a small number of weapons or items and a few enemies. Inside of a medium building, the player will find a medium number of weapons or items and a few enemies. Inside of a large building, the player will find a large number of weapons or items and a few enemies. 

Inside of a Battle Royale game, weapons come in six different categories: Pistols, Shotguns, SMGs, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and Heavy Weapons. Weapons can be found in different places, but mainly inside of buildings. There are three different types of ammo in the game: small rounds, large rounds, and energy cells. Small rounds are the most common, followed by large rounds, and then energy cells. 

In Fortnite, players are faced with two teams of up to four players. Players are tasked with gathering resources and building fortifications in order to defend themselves and their team from waves of encroaching zombies. Players may build walls, stairs, or towers (such as watchtowers) to create fortifications, which may be used to defend against oncoming zombies. Players may also use these fortifications to build vantage points to defend other players from zombie attacks.

Players start with limited supplies and must scavenge for more materials, such as wood, bricks, and metal, in order to build fortifications and weapons. Resources can be gathered by breaking down unneeded fortifications, or by searching in various buildings. Unneeded resources may be used to create more fortifications, or to create more potent weapons, such as axes, swords, or guns.

Players are able to establish a safe zone using these resources and are able to defend this zone from zombies. Safe zones may be built in a variety of configurations, such as circles, squares, or rectangles. Safe zones are usually built out of brick and metal materials.


The graphics in Fortnite are quite realistic and are very detailed. The game has a cartoon-like look to it, and there are many colors in the game. The game has beautiful graphics. The colors are bright and vibrant, and the animations are smooth.


Fortnite is a popular game because it allows players to replay the game. If players are playing the Battle Royale game mode, they can replay the game if they are not in the top three people in the game. The game features a lot of replayability because there are many different weapons to find and the player has a chance to get rarer weapons.


Overall, Fortnite is a very fun and addicting game to play. If the player is looking for a game that has a lot of replayability, Fortnite is the game for them.

  • Is a lot of replayability
  • The graphics are very realistic and detailed
  • It is easy to learn and play
  • The game is very addictive
  • Is that the game takes up a lot of the player's time